<< April
May 1999June >> |
Week No. | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
18 |
06:19 AM
07:56 PM |
06:18 AM
07:57 PM |
06:17 AM
07:58 PM |
06:15 AM
07:59 PM |
06:14 AM
07:59 PM |
06:13 AM
08:00 PM |
121th day of the year
Day length: 13h 50m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
19 |
06:10 AM
08:02 PM 122th day of the year
Day length: 13h 52m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:09 AM
08:03 PM 123th day of the year
Day length: 13h 54m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:08 AM
08:04 PM 124th day of the year
Day length: 13h 56m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
125th day of the year
Day length: 13h 58m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
126th day of the year
Day length: 14h 0m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:04 AM
08:07 PM 127th day of the year
Day length: 14h 2m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:03 AM
08:08 PM 128th day of the year
Day length: 14h 4m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
20 |
129th day of the year
Day length: 14h 6m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:01 AM
08:10 PM 130th day of the year
Day length: 14h 8m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
06:00 AM
08:11 PM 131th day of the year
Day length: 14h 10m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:59 AM
08:12 PM 132th day of the year
Day length: 14h 12m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
133th day of the year
Day length: 14h 14m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:57 AM
08:14 PM 134th day of the year
Day length: 14h 16m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
135th day of the year
Day length: 14h 18m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
21 |
05:56 AM
08:16 PM 136th day of the year
Day length: 14h 20m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:55 AM
08:17 PM 137th day of the year
Day length: 14h 21m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:54 AM
08:17 PM 138th day of the year
Day length: 14h 23m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:53 AM
08:18 PM 139th day of the year
Day length: 14h 25m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
05:52 AM
08:19 PM 140th day of the year
Day length: 14h 26m
Zodiac: The Bull (Taurus)
141th day of the year
Day length: 14h 28m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:51 AM
08:21 PM 142th day of the year
Day length: 14h 29m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
22 |
143th day of the year
Day length: 14h 31m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:50 AM
08:23 PM 144th day of the year
Day length: 14h 32m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:49 AM
08:23 PM 145th day of the year
Day length: 14h 34m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:48 AM
08:24 PM 146th day of the year
Day length: 14h 35m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:48 AM
08:25 PM 147th day of the year
Day length: 14h 37m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:47 AM
08:26 PM 148th day of the year
Day length: 14h 38m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:47 AM
08:27 PM 149th day of the year
Day length: 14h 39m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
23 |
05:46 AM
08:27 PM 150th day of the year
Day length: 14h 40m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
151th day of the year
Day length: 14h 42m
Zodiac: The Twins (Gemini)
05:46 AM
08:28 PM |
05:45 AM
08:29 PM |
05:45 AM
08:30 PM |
05:45 AM
08:30 PM |
05:44 AM
08:31 PM |
Printable version of the May 1999 Calendar
Sunrise and sunset hours are shown for Ashburn (America/New_York time).
About the calendar
The May 1999 Calendar shown above has marked dates of important events and popular US holidays. The most important dates are marked in red.
If you move mouse over a day number a small window with additional information will pop-up. This extra information includes:
- day of the year number
- sunrise and sunset hours with respect to the location selected. You can easily change the default location (and thus a timezone) using the select box shown in the gray area just below the calendar
- length of the day
- sign of the zodiac
See also our illustrated Moon Calendar for May 1999