With our interactive working time calendar you can easily find the number of working (business) days in 2019 along with the respective number of working hours. For every month and quarter, the number of business (working) days and the working time (in hours) is shown on the right. The calendar is color-coded, i.e. each date is marked with a color that corresponds to the respective number of working hours, as shown below the table. The calendar shows by default a "standard" full-time employee work week, i.e. Monday-Friday, with 40 hours per week but you can easily customize it by clicking on any date(s) to mark it as working or non-working. All the calculations are done on the fly.
If you are not United States citizen or just do not want Federal Holidays to be shown, please, use Show options button just below the calendar and then uncheck "Show federal holidays (US)."
If you would like to keep the changes you have made to the table you can obtain a unique link by clicking on the "Get a link to your calendar" button just below the calendar. Use this link to access the working time calendar later or share it with a friend or co-worker. Please, remember that a new link should be generated each time you made new changes to the calendar.
If you want to return to the initial version of the working time calendar, please, click Reset button.
If your fiscal year does not start on January 1st, you can easily set the start and end dates using the controls visible after clicking "Show options" button. You can also adjust the number of working hours per color.